
現有代理的產品為L3Harris Technologies Inc模擬機[1],所提供的產品可以滿足客戶訓練的需求,本公司有B777-300ER飛航模擬機提供客戶訓練,現有的主要客戶為中華航空公司(China Airlines)[2],為此提供飛航模擬機與模擬機相關的各項專業服務。

[1] https://www.l3harris.com/all-capabilities/training-and-simulation-systems

[2] https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/life/breakingnews/1067449


  1. 提供高質量的飛航模擬器,符合EASA和CAA的認證規範。
  2. 規劃課程訓練客戶維修人員,讓客戶有一定的能量做維護作業。
  3. 提供專業的團隊的維護服務,讓客戶的模擬機維持正常運作水準。
  4. 新一代飛航模擬機資訊提供,跟進新一代的技術發展趨勢。
  5. 各項飛航模擬機問題分析與專業解說。

Full Flight Simulator

Our company act as agent of commercial simulator training devices of L3Harris Technologies Inc, has many years of experience and meets our customer requirements. We provide our B777-300ER simulator and training systems customers with accessible and cost-effective support services.

Our team is able to support professional service as follows:

  1. Provide high quality full flight simulator complying with EASA and CAA regulation.
  2. Offer a wide range of training courses to train your personnel so that customers are able to quickly become familiar with the operation and maintenance of the simulator.
  3. Provide professionally maintenance services to keep the customer’s simulator at a normal level.
  4. Provide information on the new generation of flight simulators, and follow up the development trend of modern technology.
  5. Analysis and clarification of flight simulator issue.